You want a more progressive future for America.
We love data and analysis.
Let us help you make an impact!
Blue Ripple Politics is a citizen-led effort to help busy progressives cut through the political chatter and maximize the impact of their donations and time.
We focus most intensely on state legislatures, because these bodies drive policies related to voting rights, gerrymandering, reproductive rights, and other progressive goals.
Our approach is to (a) develop new mathematical models of elections to help identify the most high-value races to support and then (b) help like-minded donors and organizers use our data to direct money and other resources to where they’ll be most useful.
Learn about key Democratic candidates and races — and how to support them
Learn about our data and modeling resources, and how you can join our efforts
Learn more about the folks behind Blue Ripple Politics, why we do what we do, and how to contact us